No regrets


I loved him with my whole heart.

I gave him everything I had until I had nothing left. And then I realized I loved myself too.

He loved me as fully as he could. As much as he loves himself.

He hates himself.

This is the first breakup I’ve had that I’m not a wreck. I think it’s because I loved so fully. I was all in. I listened. I grew. I was vulnerable. I don’t have to wonder “what if…”

And I realize the point of loving isn’t to be right. It’s to be open. That’s the real beauty. To feel the endless possibilities. I’m grateful for the time we had together.

I don’t regret a single moment . Including goodbye.

~Sonja Braun

Lessons learned while driving in traffic


For a year I commuted 90 miles round trip from Broward County to Miami-Dade County, Florida.  I loved my new job and loved living for free at my mom’s house.  During this past year I generally spent 2-3 hours a day in traffic.  These are the lessons I learned:

1. Breath.  There are many things in life you can control, traffic is not one of them.  When you are faced with something you can’t change, just remember to keep breathing.

2. Listen to the messages God is trying to send you.  I know this sounds corny.  But after you drive the same route day after day, you get to know the spots that have lots of traffic and the spots that you can coast through.  One day I woke up in a bad mood, and there was this one stretch of road that I can always count on to never have any traffic.  However that morning it felt like every douche bag in the world was cutting in front of me and then driving slow.  This aggravated me more because there were so few cars on the road.  “Why do you need to be in front of me?????  Go over there!!  There’s plenty of room!!” After the tenth time it happened, I realized the Universe/God/your Higher Power (whatever) was telling me to slow down.  I reflected on the past week and realized all the mistakes and frustrations I had encountered  were due to rushing ahead.  I took it as a sign, and slowed down in every aspect of my life.  Things started clicking into place.

3. Money can’t buy you happiness.  To make my commute quicker, I often took the express lanes and the turnpike, both of which charge tolls.  I figured my time is valuable, this commute is long, throw money at the problem!  However, no amount of money spent prevented me from hitting traffic.  Every day I spent at least 20 minutes of my time traveling only 3 miles.  Having money is great.  I love money.  But it can’t solve everything and it can’t make you happy.

4. Go local!  Everyone benefits when you think of the environment, especially you.  Many people think going green or going local is an altruistic or long-term thinking strategy.  But it’s not, when you go local and green YOU are the biggest beneficiary NOW!  I realized after commuting for 8 months that I was literally setting my money on fire.  I drive an SUV that is 12 years old, between the cost of gas (2 ½ tanks a week) and the tolls, I was spending $600-700 a month.  Every time I turned on the engine, up in smoke went my money.  Living with mom wasn’t so cheap after all!  I reflected on previously living in NYC with the amazing public transportation system.  I lived in Long Island because it was cheaper and commuted to Queens, I took the Long Island Rail Road every day.  It seems more environmentally friendly but between the cost of the LIRR and my Metro pass, I was spending around $300 a month.  You add that to my rent, and I probably could’ve afforded to live in Queens!  If you also include all the time standing on a freezing cold train platform waiting, commuting really was a waste of non-renewable resources (my time, fuel, the environment, etc).

5. Communicate, communicate, communicate! And do, so promptly.  If you commute to work long enough you’ll eventually encounter a major that accident that will have your 1 hour commute, turn into a 2 hour nightmare.  Most of the time when this occurs the driver won’t call in to work until it’s close to the time they were supposed to start.  For example, Mary starts work at 9am, she finds her self stuck behind a major accident at 8:30am, she probably won’t make that call into work until 8:50am.  Bad move!  I know that calling in late feels like you’re admitting you did something wrong, even though you did everything right.  No one likes being wrong, so we all hope the accident will clear up quickly, so we wait before calling our colleagues.  But really, the best move is to call the moment you sense something out of the ordinary has happened on the road.  That way your team can prep themselves and come up with Plans B and C in case you do come in later than expected.  The moment you know something is wrong, is the moment they should know something is wrong.  Hording information can really mess up everyone’s day.

6. I am important.  If you’re like me, you probably go to work everyday unless you are on death’s doorstep.  I’ve gone to work with fevers, I’ve gone to work with stomachaches, I’ve gone to work with injuries.  However, when you have a long commute doing those things can be extremely uncomfortable, and even extremely dangerous.  One time I was running a fever and I went to work anyway, I did my full day of work, and then promptly fell asleep on the road several times on my way back home.  It was the most nerve-racking experience.  I was fighting sleep with all my might, the road felt never-ending.  Till this day I thank God and modern engineering for the rumble strips that are on the side of the highway.  I could’ve died or killed someone.  And all for what?!? To give some corporation eight hours of my blood sweat and tears?  Now, when I’m sick I stay home.  I choose to take care of me and my body instead of taking care of someone else’s profit margin.  After all, if I become disabled, die, or am incarcerated, all they’ll do is replace me.  Never put someone else above you!

7. Be grateful.  It was a Saturday morning and I was running an hour late on my way to a wedding.  I was driving like a maniac, there were very few cars on the road so I was driving about 100mph.  And then I saw the weirdest thing….across the highway was a mack truck on it’s side and on fire.  It clearly had just happened since there were no fire trucks, ambulances, or police cars.  It was just sitting there by itself.  On fire.  I slowed down and passed it, and then saw all the emergency responders barreling down the road towards the truck.  And I just thought…how funny life is…I get to spend the rest of my day celebrating the union of two people’s love, and I don’t know how the driver’s day will turn out.  He might be dead.  All of a sudden, being late didn’t matter.  Being able to show up in one piece was all that mattered.  My life is beautiful, unless I destroy it.  So be aware and be grateful.

I have since taken my lessons to heart and turned my 90 mile a day commute to an 8 mile a day commute.  I now work and live in Miami!  I haven’t lived in the middle of a city in over a decade, and it’s different.  It’s noisier, everything moves faster, and it’s harder to see the stars at night.  But I have regained hours of my life back.  And I enjoy finding a multitude of ways to spend that extra time getting myself into trouble!


How making a tie dye shirt is an exercise in trust

tiedye2Tie dye renewed my faith in life.

I’m 33 years old and I have never done tie dye.  Last weekend I had and opportunity and I jumped at the chance to do something new and creative.  I had heard that the instructor knew of a method to make a heart, so days before the class I had already decided that a heart was what I was going to make.

The class was chaotic.  It was mixed ages and levels.  You had whining kids chomping at the bit to do tie dye, anxious parents worried about their kids getting dye all over themselves, old timers who were pros at it, sulky teenagers unhappy they were there at all, and then me.  I sat quietly and patiently while the instructor went table to table.  I knew I didn’t want my lesson to be rushed.  I wanted to do it perfectly.  So I waited and my table was the last table she helped.

With me were three overly excited little girls, an overprotective mom, and a preteen that was too cool for school.  The instructor showed us how to do a swirl, bunches, and the heart.  Everyone at my table did theirs in 3 minutes flat.  Except for me.  I took my time.

I lovingly folded and refolded my shirt, meticulously drew the outline of the heart, painstakingly (yet precisely) bunched up the shirt exactly how she showed us.  I carefully tightly wrapped many rubber bands around it and then followed the rest of the directions to the tee.

When I was done and my tie dyed shirt was put in a bag to sit for 24 hours I was elated and excited, and then…the doubt crept in.  I kept looking at the shirt in the bag.  It looked like a bleeding blob of fabric!  I didn’t see the heart.  I didn’t see the beautiful colors I had chosen.  I didn’t see how it could ever be what I hoped it would be.

All I saw was yet another failure. I had done it again and tried too hard to make something beautiful.  And within those 24 hours I had already accepted my fate. I was already making excuses in my mind trying to forgive myself for messing up.  “It was my first time after all.”  “Next time I’ll do better.” “It’ll be okay.”

The next day I rinsed it out and put it in the washing machine.  And when I took it out, I couldn’t believe how beautiful it looked!  It was prettier than I had imagined. Once I was able to try it on, it fit perfectly.  I had done it! I hadn’t failed. My efforts actually paid off!

Tie dye reminded me: don’t doubt myself, trust the process, and…I am not a failure.  Even when things look ugly and that nothing beautiful can come from it…trust that it will be even more wonderful than you can imagine.


I choose to be human


Being superhuman is easy, selfish, and overrated.

I recently had this amazing opportunity at work to move forward with lightning speed.  The caveat: I had 3 weeks to pull off something that takes a team of seasoned veterans at my job at least a month and a half.  As someone who is in a junior position, I jumped at the possibility.

Or at least part of me did.  The old part.  See, I’m a recovering superhuman.  I started college at 16, did study abroad at 17, backpacked solo at 18, published by 22, prestigious fellowships and scholarships throughout my education.  And I did all this while managing a congenital heart defect with several open heart surgeries, stents, and medical implants.

Superman had nothing on me.

If you study comic books or any other story involving superhumans (including Jesus in the bible), you’ll see it’s an easy life to live.  Superhumans only focus on ONE thing at a time!  They never have to balance dating, being an active member of a family, figuring out how to be a woman in our society, while being a leader, along with being superhuman.  Nope.  All they have to do is defend the universe from evildoers.  Really?? That’s it? Easy!

Superhumans also live mostly solitary lives.  And if they don’t, their lives are filled with lies and facades.  The whole unrequited-love-thing is so selfish.  It’s an easy excuse to never have to be fully vulnerable. Love is easy and fun, until you try to make it last a lifetime. Living a life rooted in truth and authenticity takes real strength.

It made be lonely at the top hovering over the stratosphere, but at least it’s neat, clean, and you have full control.  Being human is messy.  You’re in the thick of it, in the trenches.  With the writhing, sweaty, crying masses.  All struggling to find joy in this world.  Trying to stay connected to things that are uncertain: like God and love.

So what happened to the opportunity at my job?

After a week of reflection, I told my boss I was going to pass.  I then took a deep breath and cried in the bathroom.  Poor poor human me.

~Sonja Braun


Insane in the Membrane!

leapingsquirrelCrazy insane, got no brain!

Am I falling in love or just losing my mind?  I’m excited, thrilled, and giddy.  Yet at the same time irritable, annoyed, and confused.  It’s all spinning out of control.  Feeling trapped and sucked into a vortex.

I like to think I’m an intelligent person, yet my actions last week say otherwise.  I’ve lost the ability to make wise decisions.  How did this happen to me??  The connectedness feels suffocating and overwhelming.  But when gone, I feel lost and empty.

Help! This is bullshit!

I think I’m going crazay!

~Sonja Braun

Daddy’s Girl

seadragonJust what the world needs, another woman with daddy issues.

Is a good man hard to find? Or is it that I just keep picking my fathers over and over again?  I’ve had two fathers in my life: biological and step.  Both have been useless as healthy male role models.

Many of the men in my life have been weak.  Unreliable, unpredictable, flaky.  Irresponsible. Short sighted.  Conditional love: I’ll love you as long as you’re perfect, the moment you’re not (or I get bored), well…you know.  Unforgiving.  Mean.  Taking.  Dismissive. Withholding.  And yet are charming, well spoken, unique.  Peter pan.

Now that I’m aware that I have daddy issues, I worry that I’m jumping at my own shadow.  I see my fathers in every man I meet.  I’m 33 years old, any man I date is going to have some level of baggage, the same way I do.  A divorce/children…what happened? Conditional love? Or on the other end of the spectrum, never been married/no children…Non-committal?

I’d like to get off this rollercoaster.

I heard this saying: A good relationship is when someone accepts your past, supports your present, and encourages your future.  I know as someone with her own baggage, I’d really like to find someone who does all that for me.  Yet I struggle with accepting other people’s pasts.  If they’ve fucked up before, well…

And if I’ve fucked up before, well….

But life is not an algorithm.  And we’re not just robots programmed to keep picking our mothers and fathers.  Are we?

~Sonja Braun


Apex prey: A lesson in knowing your worth


What would it look like to live a life without fear?

First, a short science lesson: An apex predator is a predator species that isn’t eaten by anyone.  Well what about those prey species that also aren’t eaten by anyone?  Ecologically speaking, carnivores are predators and herbivores are prey.  Yet, there are a large number of herbivores that once they reach adulthood have no known predators: giraffe, elephants, moose, kangaroos, hippos, rhinos, musk ox, whales…the list goes on!  There are probably over 50 species of herbivores that meet this criterion, yet there’s no term to define them.  All of these majestic apex prey live with no fear even though most have no fangs or claws, and are often extremely slow moving.

What does this have to do with life?

I’ve been reminded of the harm that can be done when fear drives your decision making.  I witnessed discrimination in its most harmful form: hidden.  When people don’t know their worth, they live in constant fear, that fear often drives them to keep “others” just the way they are.  Stereotyping is a tool people use to stop change, because change is scary.  Some common stereotypes I’ve seen are:

Minority = struggle/criminal

Woman = servant/object

Young = inexperienced/dumb

Old = bigot/useless

When people use stereotypes to decide how to interact with people, it doesn’t just hurt the victim of the interaction, it hurts our entire society!  Our community has become global, which means a world filled with “others”, and our community is in pain.  Poverty is rampant, education is failing, chronic illness is now a way of life.  We have work to do!  We don’t have time to keep things the way they’ve always been.  It’s time for a change.

So…what would it look like to live a life without fear?

Many species of apex prey live in communities where everyone chips in to help raise and protect the children in the community.  They often watch over their sick, and pick a pace where the ill or elderly stay included.  Parenting is strong within these apex prey communities.  There is no war.  And when there are fights, it’s rarely to the death.  They find ways to feed everyone.  They take time to enjoy their surroundings.  Everyone uses their strengths to better the community.

Maybe this is why ecologists haven’t created a term to define these creatures.  They are undefinable.

~Sonja Braun

PS: Below is a video of one badass giraffe!

What is love?



If you’re like me, then you have an idea of what love means to you.  I just didn’t believe and trust that it’s really possible, or that it’s possible for that kind of love to withstand the harsh ugliness of “real life.”  Well what if you were given a sneak peek into true love actually happening before your eyes as everything that can go wrong, does go wrong?

I had that privilege last weekend.  A few months ago I was part of a three month Leadership Team, to mark the end of the journey, there is a special retreat called Residential where you celebrate everything you’ve accomplished during those three months.  At Residential is a group of people called Service Team, these are volunteers who’ve gone through Leadership who cook and clean the whole weekend to support the current team in celebrating.  A good friend of mine, Iliana*, went through Leadership after I did, so last weekend I went to be a part of her Service Team.  And this was my experience of a weekend where everyone was clear that they were there because they loved someone:

I live in Florida, the Residential is in Pennsylvania, most people live in New York City.  So I flew into JFK, and met up with part of the Service Team in Brooklyn at 3:30pm, we then had to go into Manhattan to pick up last minute supplies from the Leadership organization, and pick up one last Service Team (ST) member coming in from Long Island, then we were going to drive up to PA.  We needed to be in PA by 7pm to start dinner for the staff of Leadership Team (LT).

7pm: Sergio, Cindy, and I are still waiting in Manhattan for Eli to come in from Long Island.  His phone has died, we have no idea where he is or when he’s going to come.  We have to explore the question: how long are we going to wait for him?  All three of us looked into each other’s eyes, and I’m not even sure who said it because we all felt it in our hearts.  Someone said “We’ll wait as long as we need to.  We’ll go into Long Island if we have to.  We’re not leaving Eli behind.  Everyone gets to go, as long as they want to go.”

Because waiting for Eli now became our choice, no one was cranky/bitter/blaming.  We entertained ourselves with outrageous stories, iPad app silliness, and dreams of the future.  When Eli showed up at 9pm-ish, other than being hungry and needing to pee, we were all in good spirits and truly happy to see him.  No blame game, no yelling, no judgmental questions.  Just joy.

We show up in PA, it turned out all the other cars carrying ST members had also been late, so no had been able to go grocery shopping.  At 2:00am a few of us went to the grocery store.  I was put in charge of getting everything that was needed while staying within budget.  Hours later at the grocery store, we realize everything is not going to fit into the tiny sedan we drove.  Sergio called the other ST members to bring another car.  We get home, I pass out from exhaustion.

I wake up at 8-something AM, to the rest of the ST making breakfast.  It turns out I didn’t get the correct quantities of anything!!  Sergio and Eli had to go back to the grocery store at 7am to get more of everything just to be able to barely have a breakfast.  I automatically went into beat-up mode.  Expecting to be blamed for causing everyone more work, and more stress.  Kayla, the ST Captain, reassured me that it wasn’t my fault and that she appreciated me volunteering to go last night.  That we’re all in this together, and it will work out just fine.  I was shaken by her compassion and generosity.  Her level of trust.

We serve breakfast at 9-something AM.  I’m still shaken and disconnected.  It shows and I feel it.  I’m dropping food, tripping over people, and generally a wreck.  I speak with Richard, another ST member, and tell him how out of it I feel.  And he reminded me, this weekend is about Service, not serving food.  He told me to connect to the Leadership Team, that’s why we’re here after all.  For them, not the food.  And I think “how often have I gotten so task-oriented, I forget why I’m there at all?”  I take his advice, and everything shifts.  I connect eyes as I’m serving, I smile.  The sun seems to shine brighter.  I feel lucky to be there in that moment.

After breakfast, Kayla makes a plan that will get us back on track without the constant scrambling.  We all pitch in to execute the plan.  We’re rolling now! Then…Frederico, one of the coaches for LT, comes to tell us that he has to move up lunch for part of his team by several hours!  We go into a moment of panic…again.  We feel tempted to be bitter at how hungry “these people” are, and then we remember we’re here to support them as they celebrate.  You can’t celebrate properly if you’re hungry!  We kick into action, with purpose and with love.  We whip up an amazingly beautiful lunch (several hours early per request) and it turns out they’re the ones running late!  We’re so happy that we get to wait, instead of scrambling just to be on time.  It’s a change we all welcomed.

As we prepare for dinner, I learn that I missed my friend’s graduation ceremony.  Normally during Residential if a person in LT has a friend in ST, the friend from ST gets to sit in on graduation.  They had forgotten to call me in.  I felt forgotten.  Immediately, racing in my head was blaming.  I flew all the way from Florida, I’m a few feet away and they forgot me!  How is that possible? Am I that forgettable?  Is my friend’s graduation experience not important to anyone but me??  On and on it raced.  I got mad.  No one knew what to say.  There was nothing to say.

But then I thought of my friend, Iliana, and what Residential should be for her.  She might be feeling as overlooked as I did.….Or not!  Maybe she was truly enjoying her celebration and the only one being surly about the whole thing is me.  Did I really want to be the one to contaminate this beautiful experience for her?  The graduation ceremony mishap was an honest mistake, but if I moved forward with a nasty attitude, that would be a purposeful action.  I shifted.  I was there to Serve in supporting her celebration.  Even if it didn’t look the way I planned it to look.  And that was that.

Veronica, Iliana’s LT coach, approached me truly upset about what had happened.  When I saw the look of hurt on this woman’s face, I remembered Kayla’s compassion and generosity to me when I had made a mistake.  I hugged Veronica tight and told her it was ok, and that we are all in this together.  That it’ll work out the way it was meant to: with love.  Veronica had set up a special moment for Iliana and I to sit and talk one on one about Leadership and graduation.  It was beautiful.  It couldn’t have been better.  I was grateful to be there in that moment.

There were endless moments like this that continued for another day.  An entire weekend where everyone used their strengths to support the team, an entire weekend where everyone stayed connected to their vision.  But I think you get the idea.  I know I got it.  I spent an entire weekend on my feet cooking and cleaning (two things I hate doing), and I felt lucky.  For the first time I saw what was possible in my life when there is GENEROSITY, TRUST, and OPENNESS.  That weekend was a gift; I plan on having a lifetime filled with them.

What does love mean to you?

~Sonja Braun


(* all names have been changed.)




Impatience: My personal nemesis


I’ve been feeling very impatient lately.  Prowling like a caged lion, hungry. Back and forth, back and forth.  I’ve always been somewhat rash and impatient.  And the rewards of my past impatience are clear to me: adventure, fun, results, instant gratification.  But there are very clear negative consequences that I’m not even going to bother to list here.  However, this recent phenomenon is a new type of impatience, one I’m not too familiar with.  One that scares me, because I have no strategies on how to keep it in check.

I’m impatient with everything.  I’m impatient with the weather, hurry up and stop doing whatever you’re doing!  I’m impatient with my dog, hurry up and poop!  I’m impatient with my job, hurry up and slow down already!  And impatient with myself, hurry up and stop being grouchy!  Since I seem to be impatient with life itself, I have chosen one thing to focus my impatience on: the modern rituals of dating.

Over the past few months I have met a few gentlemen that make no sense to me because their behavior seems to be a product of modern technology.  I love texting, it’s my preferred mode of communication, so I never judge someone if that’s what they choose as well.  But this has been the series of events:

-guy asks for my number

-we text back and forth for several weeks (…yes, I said weeks)

-finally the guy will text something like “so when are we going to see each other?”

That’s the point I lose my shit.  It’s such a passive aggressive way of asking me out on a date, I instantly lose complete respect for him and the man-eater comes out in me.  It’s a coward’s question.  Remember KISS? Keep it simple stupid.  Example: “Are you busy Thursday evening? We should hang out.” Easy, simple, straight forward, now that’s something I can respect.  The question asked by these men seems to be blaming, as if he’s been impatient waiting for me the whole time.  Yet he never asked, so what does he have to be impatient about?  Don’t blame me, blame yourself!

Now some of you may be thinking, poor guys, they’re probably just shy, make it easy for them.  But when did expecting the guy to be the one to ask you out on a date (when they already have your number AND you’ve been in communication for some time) become me being difficult?  And I have at points in time taken pity on some poor guy and made it easy by asking him out.  There have only been two results of that action: 1) I’m dating a guy that’s not that interested in me or 2) I’m dating a guy that’s really interested in me, but is a man-boy hybrid that can’t manage to get anything done in his life unless someone else does two-thirds of the work for him.  Neither one of these scenarios seem appealing to me.

And so I move on.  Impatient.  How did I get here?  How did we get here?  This is a stupid waste of energy.  Help!

~Sonja Braun

Trials and tribulations of me learning how to flirt Part 2 out of ??

What kind of car are you?

As some of you know I’ve recently decided to get back in the dating game.  Once there, I realized I have no “game” whatsoever!  To read the beginning of the (endless?) saga, click here –> Part 1.

I love new experiences.  If there is a problem in your life that you can’t seem to overcome, try a new experience.  New experiences don’t promise success or results, but they do give you valuable feedback that you would otherwise not have access to if you kept repeating the same actions over and over.  And after the failure and humiliation of Part 1, I was faced with the shocking feedback: I have no idea what the hell I’m doing!

Because I am a science researcher at heart, I did research.  I contacted my sister who is relationship coach (don’t judge her work by me, up until this point I’ve been the bratty lil sister that ignores all her advice) and I also contacted the men in my life that I respect and who I think of as powerful.  And by powerful I mean that they are intent on being persons of integrity and are loving men.  I have very poor male role models in my family, so I turned to two of my guy friends instead.  One of which, my mom has met and loves and I know they both truly want to see me with a great guy.

So I asked my sister and my powerful men: How does someone flirt?  With the men I asked extremely detailed and prying questions, such as “What type of clothing do you like women you’re interested in to wear?”  And I got a whole lot of tips, advice and insight all of which have merit.  But there was really one thing that hit home on a deep level and made me realize I was going about this whole thing the wrong way.

My guy friend, let’s call him “Wayne”, and I were talking about mate selection.  Now Wayne is a car guy, so he says to me, “Do you want to be a Toyota Camry?”  I had no idea what he meant, he continues,

“You can be a Toyota Camry, cast a wide net and market yourself to a generic audience.  Now there’s nothing wrong with that.  Toyota Camrys are one of the biggest selling cars on the market with repeat customers.  But…no one puts a poster of a Toyota Camry on their wall. Or you can be a Maserati.  Maserati’s are not for everyone, there’s a smaller clientele base and not just because they’re expensive but because of taste preference.  Not everyone likes the gaudy flashiness of a Maserati, but their unique style invokes passion in those that are attracted to them in a way that a Toyota Camry can never dream of doing.”

What Wayne was really saying is the same thing our parents, friends, grandparents have been saying since forever: be yourself.  But I finally understood what that meant.  Being yourself is the only way you will attract someone who will love you for who you really are.  That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try or present your best self, even Maseratis are appreciated more when washed, shined, tuned up and taken care of.  But don’t be afraid to step out and be your quirky self, there are plenty of people who will love your special brand of quirk.

So I’ve been asking myself, what kind of car am I?  And after careful consideration, I have decided I am a 2013 Cadillac Escalade Platinum Edition.


  1. It’s dramatic and over the top!
  2. There will always be room available for friends and family…and their friends and family.
  3. It can take you camping or to fancy galas.
  4. It has a large presence that takes up a lot of room.
  5. It’s perfect if you’re moving or going places.
  6. It’s a juggernaut and can run over things if you need it to.
  7. It’s built for adventure.
  8. It’s a sexy vehicle that you can trust with your family.

So…what kind of car are you?!

~Sonja Braun